DOE Unveils a New Initiative for Fusion Research


INFUSE program will match researchers with corporate sponsors to accelerate innovation in fusion energy.

The US Department of Energy has announced a new program to encourage collaboration in fusion energy research. The Innovative Network for Fusion Energy (INFUSE) focuses on “...accelerating fusion energy development through research collaborations between industry and DOE’s national laboratory complex with its scientific expertise and facilities.”

The program is now soliciting proposals and “plans to select a number of projects for awards between $50,000 and $200,000 each, with a 20 percent project cost share for industry partners.”

The DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will manage the program, along with Princeton Plasma Physics Lab (PPPL). ORNL’s Dennis Youchison will serve as director and PPL’s Ahmed Diallo will serve as deputy director.

The goal of the project is to facilitate collaboration between companies that are working on fusion technologies and research institutions with the personnel and resources necessary for cutting-edge HPC research.

According to the DOE, “INFUSE will help address enabling technologies, such as new and improved magnets; materials science, including engineered materials, testing and qualification; plasma diagnostic development; modeling and simulation; and magnetic fusion experimental capabilities.”

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