D-Wave Opens US Office


Legendary quantum computing company lands in Silicon Valley.

Canadian-based quantum computing pioneer D-Wave announced that it is opening a new office in the USA and has hired former SGI CEO Robert "Bo" Ewald to head up the US business. D-Wave has been working on quantum computing technology since 1999. In the early years, the company focused primarily on research, but since 2004, they have endeavored to build real quantum computing systems.

In 2011, D-Wave unveiled a working quantum computer, D-Wave One, which they call the "first commercial quantum computing system on the market." This expansion from the headquarters in Vancouver to open a new branch office in Palo Alto, CA indicates that D-Wave is sensing some momentum in their research. According to new US prez Bo Ewald, "The quantum computers being developed by D-Wave and the applications that will be used by our customers will be an even more revolutionary step than I've seen in the industry. People will be able to solve problems that they can only dream about today, on systems that are turning science fiction into science fact."


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