Cray Announces Shasta


New software platform will provide support for exascale computing.

Cray has announced what it is calling “an entirely new, open, and extensible software platform to address the growing need for supercomputing across government and private industries.” The Shasta platform, which was developed through Cray’s work on exascale systems for the US government, integrates HPC batch workflow scheduling with containerized services, supporting multitenancy and providing a rich collection of management and monitoring capabilities. Shasta was also designed for interoperability, with documented APIs and support for several industry protocol standards.

According to Hyperion Research COO and senior vice president Steve Conway, “Shasta is designed to support extremely heterogeneous workloads, not just from science and engineering, but also from the growing contingent of enterprises that acquire supercomputers to outcompete their rivals in the new era of digital transformation and AI. Cray Shasta supercomputers aim to move leading enterprises beyond proof-of-concept to production and to operate on premises or in the cloud.”


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