Blue Waters and XSEDE Sign Collaboration Pact


New agreement will make NCSA Blue Waters tools and resources more available to XSEDE projects.

The National Center for Supercomputing Application (NCSA) Blue Waters petascale computing project and the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) have signed a collaboration agreement. According XSEDE, the agreement "brings together the National Science Foundation's two largest cyberinfrastructure projects."
Blue Waters will participate as a Level 2 XSEDE service provider, offering tools and user support for the XSEDE research community. "Blue Waters and XSEDE have a common mission to accelerate discovery by providing exceptional resources, tools, and support for the national research communities," says Blue Waters project director Bill Kramer. "The Blue Waters project team members look forward to working with XSEDE to expand the impact and productivity of the science and engineering scholary investigation teams our projects support."

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