mpi/mpich2/1.5b1 modulefile

## modules mpi/mpich2/1.5b1
## modulefiles/mpi/mpich2/2.1.5b1  Written by Jeff Layton
proc ModulesHelp { } {
   global version modroot

   puts stderr ""
   puts stderr "The mpi/mpich2/1.5b1 module enables the MPICH2 MPI library"
   puts stderr "and tools for version 1.5b1. It updates the \$PATH, "
   puts stderr "\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and \$MANPATH environment variables to "
   puts stderr "access the scripts for building MPI applications using MPICH2, "
   puts stderr "libraries, and available man pages, respectively."
   puts stderr ""
   puts stderr "This was built using the default gnu compilers for Scientific"
   puts stderr "Linux 6.2. That is, gcc-4.4.6-3."
   puts stderr ""
   puts stderr "The following additional environment variables are also defined:"
   puts stderr ""
   puts stderr "\$MPICC\t\t(path to mpicc compiler wrapper  )"
   puts stderr "\$MPICXX\t\t(path to mpicxx compiler wrapper )"
   puts stderr "\$MPIF77\t\t(path to mpif77 compiler wrapper )"
   puts stderr "\$MPIF90\t\t(path to mpif90 compiler wrapper )"
   puts stderr "\$CC\t\t(uses mpicc for compiling C      )"
   puts stderr "\$CXX\t\t(uses mpicc for compiling C++    )"
   puts stderr "\$FC\t\t(uses mpif90 for compiling F90   )"
   puts stderr "\$F90\t\t(uses mpif90 for compiling F90   )"
   puts stderr "\$F77\t\t(uses mpif90 for compiling F77   )"
   puts stderr " "
   puts stderr "See the man pages for mpicc, mpicxx, mpif77, and mpif90. For "
   puts stderr "more detailed information on available compiler options and "
   puts stderr "command-line syntax. Also see the man pages for mpirun or"
   puts stderr "mpiexec on executing MPI applications."

module-whatis "Name: MPICH2 Environment"
module-whatis "Version: 1.5b1"
module-whatis "Category: mpi/mpich2"
module-whatis "Description: MPICH2 library and tools for MPI applications"
module-whatis "URL:"

# for Tcl script use only
set     topdir          /opt/mpich2-1.5b1
set     version         1.5b1
set     sys             linux86

prepend-path    PATH            $topdir/sbin
prepend-path    PATH            $topdir/bin
prepend-path    PATH            $topdir/include
prepend-path    MANPATH         $topdir/share/man
prepend-path    LD_LIBRARY_PATH $topdir/lib

setenv          MPICC           $topdir/sbin/mpicc
setenv          MPICXX          $topdir/sbin/mpicxx
setenv          CC              $topdir/sbin/mpicc
setenv          CXX             $topdir/sbin/mpicxx
setenv          FC              $topdir/sbin/mpif90
setenv          F77             $topdir/sbin/mpic77
setenv          F90             $topdir/sbin/mpif90
setenv          MPIF77          $topdir/sbin/mpic77
setenv          MPIF90          $topdir/sbin/mpif90

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