Parallelizing Code – Loops

OpenACC Introduction

OpenACC has a number of directives that can be put into code that give the compiler information about how you would like to parallelize the code. The general form of the syntax is shown in Table 1, but before getting too deep into directives, I’ll look at what is happening in the code with the parallel directive.

Table 1: Parallelizing Fortran and C

Fortran C
!$acc <directive clauses>
< code >
#pragma acc <directive clauses>
< code >

The parallel  directive is a way to express parallelism in your code. Table 2 is a very simple example of getting started with directives in both Fortran and C.

Table 2: parallel  Directive

Fortran C
!$acc parallel
< parallel code >
!$acc end parallel
#pragma acc parallel
   < parallel code >

The directives for Fortran and C begin with comment characters in their respective languages so that a non-OpenACC compiler will ignore them.

In Fortran, immediately after the comment (!) is $acc, which informs the compiler that everything that follows is an OpenACC directive. In C, immediately after the comment (#) is pragma, informing the compiler that some sort of directive follows. After pragma, the acc  tells the compiler that everything after it is an OpenACC directive. Inserting directives is pretty straightforward. The only piece of advice is not to forget the  before acc  in Fortran or the #pragma  before acc  in C.

One of the neat things about OpenACC is that directives can be added incrementally. You should always start with working serial code (with or without MPI); then, you can start adding OpenACC directives to explore parallelism. Along with working serial code, you absolutely need a way to verify whether the output from the application is correct. If the output is verified as correct, then you can annotate more of the code with directives.

Annotating code is a process. You may find occasions when adding a directive will cause the code to slow down. Do not worry. As you continue studying your code and annotating it, you will find the reasons for slowdowns and be able to correct them. This happens frequently when code written for GPU machines (because of the need to move memory between the CPU and the GPU) is fixed as you add directives incremently.

OpenACC parallel  and loop  Directives

A key to understanding OpenACC is understanding what happens when a parallel  directive is encountered. This explanation will extend to other OpenACC clauses, as well.

When the compiler encounters a parallel  directive, it generates one or more parallel gangs. In the case of OpenACC on a CPU-only system, a gang will have a single thread and, most likely, one thread per core (unless the processor supports simultaneous multithreading [SMT]). On a GPU, a gang is a collection of processing elements (threads) that can number into the hundreds. These gangs, unless told otherwise, will execute the code redundantly. That is, each gang executes the exact same code (Figure 1). Processing proceeds from the top down for each gang.

Figure 1: Parallel directives and gangs (from

Inside the parallel  directive, if you have a loop as shown in Table 3, each gang will execute each loop redundantly (i.e., each gang will run the exact same code). These gangs are executed at the same time but independently of one another (Figure 2).

Table 3: Gang Execution

Fortran C
!$acc parallel
   do i=1,n
      ! do something
!$acc end parallel
#pragma acc parallel
   for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
      # do something
Figure 2: Gangs running loops (from

Having each gang compute the exact same thing is not an efficient use of resources. Adding a loop  directive to the code (Table 4) tells the compiler that the loop code can be run in parallel across the gangs.

Table 4: loop  Directive

Fortran C
!$acc parallel
   !$acc loop
   do i=1,n
      a(i) = 0.0
!$acc end parallel
#pragma acc parallel
   #pragma acc loop
   for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
      a[i] = 0.0

When the compiler encounters the parallel  directive, it gets ready to create parallelized code and loops for OpenACC parallelization directives by informing the compiler which loops to parallelize. In the above code, it encounters the loop  code and creates parallelized code that is split across the gangs or threads as evenly as possible.

Adding only two lines to the code tells the compiler that you have a parallel region and a loop that can be parallelized. That is all you have to do. At this point, the compiler determines how best to parallelize the loop given the target processor architecture. This is the power of OpenACC.

Figure 3: Gangs running parallelized loop code (from

Notice in Figure 3 that each gang runs a number of threads. All of this parallelization is created by the compiler using the directives in the code. A best practice is to combine parallel  and loop  in one directive covering the loops that are to be optimized.

Because in OpenACC the compiler uses the directives to parallelize the code, it will have a difficult time parallelizing if (1) the loop can’t be parallelized or (2) you don’t give it enough information to make a decision about parallelizing a loop. The compiler implementing the OpenACC standard should err on the side of caution and not try to parallelize a loop if it detects problems or if it is not sure.

If you have code with a loop that the compiler cannot parallelize (e.g., Listing 1), you might see compiler output like:

437, Complex loop carried dependence of e_k prevents parallelization
Loop carried reuse of e_k prevents parallelization

Listing 1: Unparallelizable Code

do k=1,9
   e_k(1) = real(e((k-1)*2+1))
   e_k(2) = real(e((k-1)*2+2))
   DP = e_k(1)*U_x(i,j) + e_k(2)*U_y(i,j)
   f_eq = w(k)*rho(i,j)*(1.0+3.0*DP+(9.0/2.0)*(DP**2.0)-(3.0/2.0)*DPU)


Although it is a very small loop of seven lines, it illustrates data dependencies that can cause the compiler to refuse to parallelize the loop(s).

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