Directive Coding

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It’s very interesting that 30% of the jobs at XSEDE, an organization that supplies HPC to university researchers, would only use a single core – probably because the researchers have never been taught the concepts of parallel programming or how easy it is to achieve. I have to admit that I’m guilty of writing single-thread (serial) code when I need something quick and dirty. However, if the code takes a fairly long time to run or if I have to run it many times, I will reach for compiler directives to parallelize the code easily.

At the same time, in an effort to get more speed from HPC systems, accelerators (co-processors) are becoming more and more prevalent. GPUs, DSPs, multicore (Phi), and FPGAs are all being used to improve performance. Coding for these isn't always easy, the directive-based approach called OpenACC allows you to code for accelerators more easily. Right now, OpenACC is focused on GPUs, but the promise is there for it to abstract other accelerators.

A rule of thumb that you can use for the moment is that if you want to parallelize the code on a single system that has multiple cores, then OpenMP is your likely tool. If you want to use GPUs, then OpenACC is your friend. You can combine both of them in the same code if you desire.

The GNU set of compilers have had OpenMP capability for some time. In version 5.1 of the compilers, OpenACC support had been added as well, although I'm not sure whether all of OpenACC 2.0 is supported. Now you have the opportunity to try directive programming for multicore processors, for GPUs, or for both.

One last comment: I’m sure people are reading this and thinking, “Why hasn’t OpenACC and OpenMP merged?” My answer is that I don't know, but I do know the two organizations talk to each other. Maybe someday they will create one set of directives.

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