Tinkerbell life-cycle management

Magical Management


Tinkerbell may seem very hip to some die-hard admins – after all, it has been possible to provide servers with an operating system automatically without gRPC, Docker, and all the other stuff for quite some time now. But if you dismiss Tinkerbell because of this, you are doing the solution an injustice. It shows not only its strengths in its interaction with Equinix Metal, but also in real-world setups. A deployment system that allows such elementary intervention with the process in every phase of the setup is unparalleled on the market. It can't hurt to take a closer look at Tinkerbell and try it out.


  1. "The Versatile Network Bootloader iPXE" by Schlomo Schapiro, Linux Magazine , issue 167, October 2014; pg. 56, https://www.linuxpromagazine.com/Issues/2014/167/iPXE
  2. Blog post by Nathan Goulding: https://metal.equinix.com/blog/open-sourcing-tinkerbell/
  3. Tinkerbell docs: https://docs.tinkerbell.org/architecture/
  4. Vagrant files for Tinkerbell: https://docs.tinkerbell.org/setup/local-vagrant/

The Author

Martin Gerhard Loschwitz is Cloud Platform Architect at Drei Austria and works on topics such as OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Ceph.

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