Seven free blocking filters for ads

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Adblock is a full-featured, unadorned advertising filter for an OpenWrt router. The installation and setup are problem-free; most of the checkboxes on the configuration page are already set. The remarkably wide selection of blacklists also takes non-English websites into account. Logging and reporting are limited to the bare essentials, which is an advantage for the target group of embedded systems.


Unbound-Plus is an add-on for OPNsense firewalls. The software fetches various blacklists from the Internet and fills the local Unbound DNS server, resulting in a simple advertising filter. However, Unbound-Plus is still in the development stage, which occasionally causes issues.

Unbound-Plus integrates with the OPNsense website. During the configuration, you can select from 24 default blacklists and add your own (Figure 4). The decision applies to all clients on the network; specific terminal devices cannot be excluded. Statistics on the advertising filter and the ability to create an exception if the filter classifies a website inappropriately are missing.

Figure 4: OPNsense provides a functional ad blocker as an add-on.


Unbound-Plus gives an existing OPNsense firewall a simple ad blocker. Other than the blacklists, the plugin does not offer many features, perhaps because of its unfinished state of development. If the focus is on stability, AdGuard Home can also run on the OPNsense firewall and protect the network.

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