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Security first with the Hiawatha web server
Small but Safe
Switching On the Anti-Hacker Configuration
The great virtual host website is working. Now I have to protect it from attack. Because I want to set up my servers according to the "defense in depth" standard, I choose to switch on almost all anti-hack preventions settings. My default stance is that Joomla will surely have vulnerabilities I do not know about (but others do). You might find this extreme security focus too much of a good thing, because defense in depth sometimes worsens performance, and features like SQL prevention can potentially block legitimate traffic.
You can choose not to use some or all of the prevention clauses in the following configuration: think about it and choose. The same argument is true for which TLS version to allow: Allowing TLS 1.0 could make your visitors vulnerable to sniffing attacks. My recommendation is to use the settings as reflected below, but please do make your own choices.
The configuration in Listing 3 includes settings that will help you:
Listing 3
Config File Settings
# GENERAL SETTINGS ServerId = www-data ConnectionsTotal = 1000 ConnectionsPerIP = 25 SystemLogfile = /var/log/hiawatha/system.log GarbageLogfile = /var/log/hiawatha/garbage.log ExploitLogfile = /var/log/exploit_attempts.log # xss sqli etc DHsize = 4096 # default 2048, for tls RandomHeader = 250 # anti decryption on https listening set local_net = #define your local networks you do not want to block # BANNING SETTINGS # Deny service to clients who misbehave. #anti hacker trying evil things PreventCSRF = yes # ignoring all cookies sent by a browser when following an external link PreventSQLi = yes #no 100% guarantee, resource intensive! PreventXSS = yes # replacing a less-then, greater-then, quote or double-quote in the URL with an underscore BanlistMask = deny local_net ## this network will not be banned RequestLimitMask = deny local_net ## this network can upload all they want BanOnDeniedBody = 120 BanOnGarbage = 600 #seconds BanOnInvalidURL = 0 #seconds #risky if > 0 BanOnMaxReqSize = 600 #seconds BanOnSQLi = 600 #seconds BanOnWrongPassword = 3:120 #seconds MinTLSversion = 1.1 #drop attempts to fool webserver to be insecure. You might want 1.0 #anti dos BanOnFlooding = 10/1:15 KickOnBan = yes # close all connections for an IP that is banned #MaxUrlLength = 500 #default 1000. Longer -> 404 ReconnectDelay = 3 #how long connection wil stay open after no traffic RebanDuringBan = yes # keep them banned if they retry #anti ddos: usable when under attack #BanOnMaxPerIP = 60 #seconds #ChallengeClient = 200, httpheader, 60 #after 200 connects send a coockie BanOnTimeout = 10 #ban if no request comes after X seconds, only syn etc #ListenBacklog = 128 #default 16
- Avoid being hit by SQL attacks.
- Avoid being hit by cross-site scripting (XXS).
- Avoid being hit by hacking attacks by people trying loads of random or very long URLs.
- Avoid being hit by DOS attacks where one or a few hosts tries to slow your service down with (lots of) (very slow) connections.
Alas, distributed DOS attacks (DDOS attacks) are sometimes more than you can beat with just one clever Hiawatha server. The configuration in Listing 3 might help but is not sufficient protection. See the Hiawatha documentation for more on other steps you can take to defend your system from attacks.
Of course, you should monitor your logfiles to ensure you don't block things you do not want to block:
tail -f /var/log/hiawatha/exploit_attempts.log
Also, it is a good idea to check your stats for clues on how you can improve CPU or memory usage. The top
command provides a wealth of knowledge on the state of your system.
For low-traffic websites, you should expect no problems. If you have a lot of traffic, you might need to pay attention to the effect these security settings have on performance. If the load is high, the settings in Listing 4 might help. I would always recommend the caching settings. After altering your config file, restart the web server to check for errors.
Listing 4
Performance Settings
#caching CacheRProxyExtensions = css, gif, html, jpg, js, png, txt CacheSize = 25 #mb CacheMaxFilesize = 128 #kb ##load tinkering #ListenBacklog = 128 #default 16 #MaxServerLoad = 0.7 #drop on high load (eeks) #SocketSendTimeout = 10 #default is 3 Sets the SO_SNDTIMEO value for all client connection sockets #ThreadPoolSize = 50 #default 25 #ThreadKillRate = 10 #default 1
Installing Joomla
Joomla is a popular open source CMS you can run on top of Hiawatha. (Before you install Joomla, or make any other major change to your system, consider taking a snapshot of the virtual machine so you can easily revert back if you have problems.)
To add Joomla to the www.thisisagreeatwebsite.com website, I need to make the following changes to the Hiawatha config file:
- Add a section to use a
daemon installed on the TurnKey Linux VM. Make sure all other CGI options are deleted or not active. - Add a URL toolkit section to catch and deny evil hacker attempts and to reroute all non-existing requests to the root page of the website
- Adjust the virtual host configuration to include the necessary URL toolkit and fastcgi config settings
Open the Hiawatha config file and add the settings in Listing 5.
Listing 5
Getting Ready for Joomla
#yes fastcgi, bit adjusted (php-fastcgi.sock) FastCGIserver { FastCGIid = PHP5 ConnectTo = /var/lib/hiawatha/php-fastcgi.sock Extension = php } #url toolkit for joomla UrlToolkit { ToolkitID = joomla Match base64_encode[^(]*\([^)]*\) DenyAccess Match (<|%3C)([^s]*s)+cript.*(>|%3E) DenyAccess Match GLOBALS(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) DenyAccess Match _REQUEST(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) DenyAccess Match ^/index\.php Return RequestURI exists Return Match .* Rewrite /index.php } VirtualHost { Hostname = www.thisisagreatwebsite.com, *.thisisagreatwebsite.com WebsiteRoot = /var/www/thisagreatwebsite StartFile = index.php #php, not html of course ErrorHandler = 404:/index.html TimeForCGI = 5 UseFastCGI = PHP5 UseToolkit = joomla }
Next, you need to change one line in the fastcgi config file (/etc/default/php-fastcgi
) so it uses a socket in the Hiawatha directories. Change the following line:
to say:
Download the latest stable version of Joomla from the project website [4]. At the time of writing, the current version was 3.4.5. Copy the link download location and download and unzip it:
cd /var/www/thisisagreatwebsite wget https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/releases/download/3.4.5/Joomla_3.4.5-Stable-Full_Package.zip unzip Joomla_3.4.5-Stable-Full_Package.zip rm Joomla_3.4.5-Stable-Full_Package.zip
Now make a configuration.php
file and adjust file rights properly, so the web server can make and change files as needed:
touch configuration.php find -type d -exec chmod 1774 {} + find -exec chown www-data:www-data {} +
The preceding commands ensure that the Joomla installation can add files and folders by using the sticky bit on directories [5].
Carry on with the Joomla install through your web browser. Go to http://www.thisisagreatwebsite.com/ , and you should be redirected to the standard Joomla install script at http://www.thisisagreatwebsite.com/installation/index.php . Fill in all the details, like the password, the name of the website, and so on. Please refer to the Joomla documentation [6] for detailed information.
After installing Joomla, you need to change some details in the /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini
file so it will work right with Hiawatha. Find the following settings and change them to the following values:
cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0 # Enable GZip content encoding zlib.output_compression = On zlib.output_compression_level = 6
Reboot and see if the website you just installed shows up at http://www.thisisagreatwebsite.com/ .
The Joomla logging is usually in /var/www/thisisagreatwebsite/logs/
. Typical troubleshooting commands are:
tail -f /var/www/thisisagreatwebsite/logs/acces.log tail -f /var/www/thisisagreatwebsite/logs/error.log
My Joomla website did not work properly under TLS because the baseref was wrong (HTTP instead of HTTPS). I found a fix online, which was to change the file joomla/libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php
Find the next bit of code at around line 65 and comment it out, as follows:
// Generate base tag /** $base = $document->getBase(); if (!empty($base)) { $buffer .= $tab . '<base href="' . $document->getBase() . '" />' . $lnEnd; } **/
Adding Firewall Rules
If your Hiawatha web server is connected to the Internet, it makes sense to make sure an outside user can only connect through ports 80 and 443. On the inside interface, you can leave other ports open, such as ports for SSH (22), webmin, and so forth.
On the Debian-based TurnKey Linux, you can add iptables
rules that load after every reboot. Before you begin, make a snapshot or backup in VMware or your hypervisor, in case you accidentally lock yourself out.
Create (or open) the file network/if-pre-up.d/iptablesload
in a text editor and add the iptables scripting rules shown in Listing 6. Then, make sure the file is executable:
Listing 6
Firewall Rules
01 #!/bin/bash 02 #iptables script reverse-proxy version 1.0 dec 2015 By Hans-Cees Speel. 03 EXTDEV=eth1 #external device 04 LANDEV=eth0 05 06 echo -n "flushing all chains" 07 /sbin/iptables -F -t filter 08 /sbin/iptables -F -t nat 09 /sbin/iptables -F -t mangle 10 /sbin/iptables -X -t filter 11 /sbin/iptables -X -t nat 12 /sbin/iptables -X -t mangle 13 /sbin/iptables --flush FORWARD 14 /sbin/iptables --flush INPUT 15 /sbin/iptables --flush OUTPUT 16 17 #exit 18 19 #policies for the chains 20 /sbin/iptables --policy FORWARD DROP 21 /sbin/iptables --policy INPUT DROP 22 /sbin/iptables --policy OUTPUT DROP 23 24 #new chains. Statefull and scrub icmp 25 /sbin/iptables --new-chain StatefulInputFilter 26 /sbin/iptables --new-chain icmpInOut 27 28 ###INPUT chain 29 #icmp scrubbed via icmpInOut, local loop is accepted #multicast is dropped, rest to stateful chain 30 /sbin/iptables --append INPUT --protocol icmp --jump icmpInOut 31 /sbin/iptables --append INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT 32 /sbin/iptables --append INPUT -s -j DROP 33 /sbin/iptables --append INPUT -d -j DROP 34 /sbin/iptables --append INPUT -j StatefulInputFilter 35 36 #accept outgoing traffic, drop forward traffic 37 /sbin/iptables --append OUTPUT --jump ACCEPT 38 /sbin/iptables --append FORWARD -j DROP 39 40 #StatefulInputFilter chain for incoming syns # Allow established connections, accept Lan, accept 80,443 internet 41 /sbin/iptables --append StatefulInputFilter -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT 42 /sbin/iptables --append StatefulInputFilter -m state --state NEW ! -i $EXTDEV -j ACCEPT 43 /sbin/iptables --append StatefulInputFilter -p tcp -m multiport --dport 80,443 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT 44 /sbin/iptables --append StatefulInputFilter --jump DROP 45 46 #chain icmpInOut This chain is used for icmp and lets only certain kinds in. 47 /sbin/iptables --append icmpInOut --proto icmp --icmp-type redirect -o $LANDEV --jump ACCEPT 48 /sbin/iptables --append icmpInOut --proto icmp --icmp-type echo-request --jump ACCEPT 49 /sbin/iptables --append icmpInOut --proto icmp --icmp-type echo-reply --jump ACCEPT 50 /sbin/iptables --append icmpInOut --proto icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable --jump ACCEPT 51 /sbin/iptables --append icmpInOut --proto icmp --icmp-type source-quench --jump ACCEPT 52 /sbin/iptables --append icmpInOut --proto icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded --jump ACCEPT 53 /sbin/iptables --append icmpInOut --proto icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem --jump ACCEPT 54 /sbin/iptables --append icmpInOut --jump DROP 55 56 #enable tcp synflood protection by using coockies ddos defense 57 echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies 58 /usr/bin/logger Iptables script hcs implemented 59 ############# you might also consider installing fail2ban
chmod +x network/if-pre-up.d/ \ iptablesload # make it executable reboot
After the reboot, check if the iptables rules have loaded with iptables -L
The iptable rules in Listing 6 assume your outside interface is eth1
. You can check if this is so with the command ifconfig
. If your outside interface is eth0
, adjust the firewall rules accordingly. (If you have only one interface, I suggest you add another interface for security reasons.)
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