SPIFFE and SPIRE put strong workload identities at the center of a zero-trust architecture. They improve reliability and security by taking the responsibility for identity creation and management away from individual services and workloads.
How often have you been caught out by an application that has suddenly and catastrophically failed, only to discover deep in the logs of some unexciting but critical component a message – such as Unable to connect to https://database.service.local – expired TLS certificate
– and smacked your head in frustration at how such a preventable failure mode brought down your carefully crafted microservices-based architecture? With an expired TLS certificate, your database could no longer prove its identity or play a part in a zero trust network (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Expiry of a single service's Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate makes the whole application unusable.
Certificate expiry is just one example of how the human factors involved in identity management can be high maintenance, prone to error, and the source of vulnerabilities. Yet, cast-iron workload identities are, by definition, the foundation of zero trust application architecture. No two workloads should trust each other's legitimacy simply because they both happen to be running on the same physical host or within the same network perimeter. Instead, each TCP session is validated by both participants, and no data is exchanged without each side knowing for sure who is at the
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The Rancher lightweight alternative to Red Hat's OpenShift gives admins a helping hand when entering the world of Kubernetes, but with major differences in architecture.
Rancher has set up shop as an agile alternative to Red Hat OpenShift as an efficient way to manage Kubernetes clusters. In terms of the architecture, a Rancher setup differs significantly from classic Kubernetes.
The Portainer graphical management interface makes it easy to deploy containers, relieving you of huge amounts of routine work you would normally have to handle with Docker, Podman, or Kubernetes. However, the licensing structure leaves something to be desired.