Admins use SSH, the proverbial Swiss army knife of system management, for many of their daily tasks, but no matter how powerful the tool might be, it typically does not offer adequate protection. We look at ways to tighten SSH security.
A system is only as secure as its weakest link. Given the proliferation of innovations in a constantly evolving IT landscape, it is easy to lose sight of fundamental requirements for network security, especially with regard to the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. The original version of SSH, released at the end of 1995, took a revolutionary approach to securing Internet communications and really knocked its predecessor, Telnet, off its pedestal.
Since then, an even older protocol, HTTP, has been given a hierarchical trust model that enables secure interaction on any network. In contrast, SSH has not budged a single inch. Nevertheless, it remains an essential part of any Linux system and can still be found on virtually every Linux machine, despite its age of a good 25 years.
Security in Flux
SSH establishes the authenticity of its counterpart by the trust-on-first-use (TOFU) principle. According to RFC 4251 [1], TOFU is required to maintain a decentralized database (e.g., the text file known_hosts) on each SSH client that stores information about fingerprints and an SHA256 hash of the public key of trusted communication partners. SSH now checks this information for a match each time a connection to the same network identity is established. If the test fails, the user receives a plain text error message (Figure 1).
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HTTPS protects a connection from both tapping and manipulation, but only if a man in the middle hasn't already infiltrated the Internet connection. We highlight the weaknesses in HTTPS and demonstrate how to protect your client and server.
The Domain Name System, in addition to assigning IP addresses, lets you protect the network communication of servers in a domain. DNS offers further hardening of network protocols – in particular, SSH fingerprinting and CAA records.
SSL and TLS are very complex technologies. If you want to avoid wading through cryptography manuals to harden your HTTPS web server, read on for practical recommendations on establishing, securing, and optimizing your SSL/TLS configuration.
Those who think that enabling STARTTLS in the mail client will make their mail traffic more secure are wrong. Only those who bank on DANE can be sure that a mail server or a firewall will not switch off encryption in transit.
Ansible is usually the choice when you want to run a task on multiple servers; however, Sake, a lesser known command runner, might do better if your server fleet is large and the tasks to run are simple.