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OpenSMTPD makes mail server configuration easy


Article from ADMIN 29/2015
The OpenBSD origins of the OpenSMTPD mail transfer agent makes SMTP easier to implement and manage and more secure.

Setting up Sendmail or Postfix is no fun. The code for complex and historically evolved software such as Sendmail is virtually impossible to validate externally and comprehensively for accuracy and security. Even worse, the configuration file is a confusing juggernaut of many hundreds of lines, and each individual option can have various side effects on the behavior and the security of the mail server.

When looking around for a lean and secure alternative, administrators are quickly drawn to OpenSMTPD [1], the mail transfer agent (MTA) from the OpenBSD team. OpenBSD is known for its high security standards. The operating system has had only two remotely exploitable security vulnerabilities in the last two decades, mainly because of strict coding standards, code reviews, and data flow analyses to prevent errors – or at least detect them at an early stage.

OpenSMTPD's project goals [2] comply with the OpenBSD specifications: Security and reliability are at the top of the priority list. The community achieves this through defensive programming, privilege separation, and lean implementation (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Only rarely does a security vulnerability demand a new version of OpenSMTPD.

Another factor is a configuration file that can be used to solve almost all mail server standard cases in fewer than 10 lines; even complex setups hardly need more effort.

Multiple Flavors

OpenSMTPD is at home not just on its native OpenBSD, but on Linux (with binary packages for Gentoo, Slackware, Debian, and Arch) and other BSDs, including Mac OS X. The package for Ubuntu served as the basis for the following discussion. To install the MTA, enter:

sudo apt-get install opensmtpd

OpenSMTPD also can be loaded onto the system in the classic way:

wget https://www.opensmtpd.org/archives/opensmtpd-portable-latest.tar.gz
tar -xzf opensmtpd-portable-latest.tar.gz

After some missing packages are installed using apt-get, enter

sudo make install

In a manual installation, the administrator needs to create the _smtpd and _smtpq users; otherwise, apt-script does this with slightly different names (opensmtpd, opensmtpq), each with a private user group.


The configuration file ends up in an unusual location for OpenBSD (/etc/ rather than /etc/mail/) when installing via Apt. The default smtpd.conf is pleasantly surprising: Four lines of instructions are enough for the local configuration to receive and forward email from your computers.

If you want to access the mail server from the outside, you have several possible approaches. The simplest: listen on all accepts email liberally on all local IP addresses. However, anyone who, for example, wants to use their server while on the road via port 587, with SMTP authentication and TLS, and deal with all normal incoming email on port 25 should configure the server as in Listing 1.

Listing 1

Protected External Accessibility

01 pki post key '/etc/ssl/private/post.example.org'
02 pki mail key '/etc/ssl/private/mail.example.org'
03 table remote db:/etc/smtpd_remote.db
04 listen on inet4 port 25 hostname post.example.org tls pki post
05 listen on inet4 port 587 hostname mail.example.org tls-require pki mail auth <remote> tag remote
06 listen on inet4 port 25 hostname local.example.org
07 limit mta inet4

Lines 1 and 2 set SSL keys for the server: one for authenticating remote users and the other for incoming email. Whether two keys are needed if a second server isn't planned is something you can consider, but the two instructions show how easy it is to include multiple keys. Lines 4 and 5 assign these keys to the respective connections (I use ) using the short names post and mail.

Line 4 offers TLS as an option, whereas line 5 sets it as mandatory (tls-require). The individual ports use different hostnames. If you do not want this, you can leave out the hostname directive. OpenSMTPD then takes on the hostname of the running system. Line 5 also requires that users authenticate. The smtpd_remote.db file contains valid SMTP users generated from smptd_remote with:

makemap smtpd_remote

Each line in this file contains the username and the associated encrypted password separated by a tab. Password encryption is handled by the following:

smtpctl encrypt

Email submitted in this way can be identified later and systematically treated using the remote tag. Line 6 specifies that no TLS is required for mail coming from localhost.

OpenSMTPD supports IPv4 and IPv6; If you would rather restrict the server to IPv4, lines 4-6 do the trick per connection, whereas line 7 enforces IPv4 for the mta.

Passing on Email

Now that everything that needs to be configured has been configured, OpenSMTPD will accept email – and even do so in a construction that is complex by the program's own standards. OpenSMTPD now still has to learn how to process email. Again, you have several approaches available. The smtpd.conf line

accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox

delivers the email for genuine local users of the Linux system. The aliases.db file has both an email address and the name of a local user or a recipient email address in the style of Sendmail aliases.

However, if you have several domains set up for individual email addresses, perhaps even with forwarding, you need to tweak some more controls:

accept from any for domain 'example.org' virtual <virtusers> deliver to mbox

Again, virtusers is designed pretty much like aliases. However, the resulting usernames do not really need to exist on the system; they can instead be resolved by further rules. Listing 2 shows an example: aliases resolves the postmasters if there is no other resolution. The last line shows how you can redirect any missing email addresses to an account. However, a catch-all account like this will attract spam, because spammers love guessing email addresses.

Listing 2


max.muster@example.org   max
max@example.org          max.muster@example.org
mm@example.org           max@example.org
moritz@example.org       moritz@example.net
catchall@example.org     postmaster
@example.org             catchall@example.org

Two steps are required to integrate the two user lists: First, you need to convert them to the faster db format as follows:

makemap -t aliases aliases
makemap -t aliases virtusers

Second, you need to integrate the list into smtpd.conf:

table aliases db:/etc/aliases.db
table virtusers db:/etc/virtusers.db

If you have many domains with the same email addresses, you can also store the domain lists in a table and even use wildcards. Listing 3 (domains) demonstrates this for example.org , example.net , example.com , and all their subdomains. Because you want the same email accounts to exist in all of these domains, the users file looks simpler:

max     max
moritz  moritz@example.com

Listing 3



The first line ensures that OpenSMTPD forwards email addressed to max@*.example.* to local user Max, whereas Moritz's email all goes to moritz@example.com . The list can be transferred to users.db and then included in smtpd.conf using:

makemap -t aliases users
table users db:/etc/users.db
table domains '/etc/domains'
accept from any for domain <domains> virtual <users> deliver to mbox

The last line takes care of the delivery, saving effort for companies that have registered many domains appropriate to their own brands (so that domain grabbers cannot preempt them) yet want email to be accessible under all of these domains. Flexible wildcards like this are not envisaged in Sendmail.

In OpenSMTPD, wildcards work everywhere, although example.* should be treated with caution from a security perspective, taking into account the now countless number of top-level domains.

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