Managing access credentials

Key Moments


Pasaffe divides datasets to be entered into folders and entries. Folders function as groups in which you store similar authentication data. To create the first folder, go to Edit | Add Folder . The parent folder appears in a window and expects a name to be entered in the Folder Name field.

You can then create additional folders by right-clicking on the newly created folder and adding another folder to the database with Add Folder . Pasaffe always creates the new folder below the currently selected folder, creating a tree hierarchy shown in the vertical pane on the left. If you create additional folders within an existing hierarchy, Pasaffe will insert them in alphabetical order.

You can also delete a folder using the context menu, which you access by right-clicking. However, this will remove all subfolders in this hierarchy without prompting.

If you want to create a new folder and place it in a different hierarchical level, you do not have to switch to the desired level first. Instead, enter the correct path for the new directory in the Parent Folder field. Note that in such cases the hierarchy always starts with the root folder / ; you therefore need to enter the full path.

Once the folder structure exists, you can add the corresponding database entries. To do this, use the Add Entry option in a folder's context menu (you can also access this via the Edit menu if necessary). Alternatively, you can open the dialog using the second button from the left in the buttonbar of the main window.

In the input window, you enter a name for the entry, the URL, and the authentication data. A note field also allows free text input of important data for this entry. After a final click on OK , the entry appears on the left below the active folder. In the right-hand pane, you will find the details of the current entry (Figure 12).

Figure 12: Pasaffe arranges groups and entries in a tree structure.

Inserted notes also appear on the right, but the password for the respective entry is only shown as asterisks. If necessary, you can make the password visible by clicking on the last icon, Show Confidential , top right in the toolbar (click on the ellipses if you do not see the option). The password now appears in plain text and can be made anonymous by clicking the button again.

Seek and Ye Shall Find

With extensive datasets, you can very quickly get lost in Pasaffe's main window. In this case, click on the magnifying glass icon in the toolbar. In the search field located top right, you can now enter the entry name for which you are searching. The application jumps to this entry in the left window pane and displays the required data on the right below the search field.

In the Browser

Pasaffe does not offer a browser add-on for automatic entry of access credentials. Instead, you need to select a database entry and open the corresponding URL by clicking on the home icon in the toolbar. This will launch the web browser, which then calls up the page for entering the access data. Unlike a browser add-on, username and password input is only partly automated. You need to copy the access credentials to the clipboard by selecting Copy User Name and Copy Password and then paste these into the appropriate fields in the web browser.

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