Managing Linux Filesystems

Rank and File

SSHFS for Remote Filesystems

Mounting a filesystem locally via SSH is not rocket science with sshfs. You don't even need root privileges because it is a Filesystem in Userspace. As shown in Listing 3, a call to sshfs is sufficient to mount the /home/tktest directory locally on server You can work with the target directory as with any other normal directory, even though it is on the remote server.

Listing 3

Mount /home/tktest Directory

$ sshfs tktest@ ./sshdir/
tktest@'s password:
$ cat /proc/mounts | grep ssh
tktest@ /home/user/tmp/sshdir fuse.sshfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=1000 0 0


As an alternative to the simple block devices featured so far, you can create stackable block devices that offer additional features, such as the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) already discussed, software RAID (MD/RAID), a distributed replicated block device (DRBD), or device mapper targets.

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