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LDAP integration with popular groupware suites
In the Directory
Combined, Yet Separated
The groupware admin typically maintains the user base with normal LDAP tools. However, some products also help; for example, Scalix extensions make it possible to add or remove mailboxes in the AD. You can also manage groups (mail nodes) and domains, allocate privileges, change languages, or set quotas.
Such advanced capabilities do not alter the fact that the administrator has to work with two GUIs – one for the groupware and one for LDAP. Kolab and Zarafa, in combination with the Univention Corporate Server (UCS) Debian-based server OS, are exceptions. The integration kit Zarafa4UCS looks after the integration of groupware in the UCS management system [12] (Figure 6). The LDAP connection essentially consists of creating an advanced schema in the UCS. The UCS administrator then manages Zarafa users and configuration in the GUI.
Willing system admins should expect quite a bit of work to plan and merge an existing groupware system with an existing LDAP directory. You will also need to get used to the fact that data fusion in the LDAP service does not automatically result in centralization of administration tools for the vast majority of systems. Kolab and Zarafa piggybacked on UCS prove that all-in-one admin GUIs are possible.
- Open-Xchange: http://www.open-xchange.com
- Tine 2.0: http://www.tine20.com
- Zarafa: http://www.zarafa.com
- Kolab: http://www.kolabsystems.com, http://www.kolab.org
- Egroupware: http://www.egroupware.org
- Scalix: http://www.scalix.com
- Zimbra: http://www.zimbra.com
- 389 Directory Server: http://directory.fedoraproject.org
- Zimbra Password Plugin: http://gallery.zimbra.com/type/extra/zimbrasambapassword-extension
- "Updating Active Directory Entries" in Scalix wiki: http://www.scalix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Howtos/AD_Integration#Updating_Active_Directory_Entries
- Zmprov: https://www.zimbra.com/docs/ne/8.6.0/administration_guide/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm#href=860_admin_ne.zmprov_%28Provisioning%29.html
- Zarafa UCS Integration Kit: https://community.zarafa.com/pg/plugins/project/1100/developer/tisp/zarafa4ucs
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