Kea, the ISC's successor to the DHCP daemon



Kea handles the same tasks as the legacy dhcpd. Its REST API is easier to automate than the idiosyncratic dhcpd OMAPI. Disappointingly, the ISC is only making part of the configuration accessible with the API without a paid support contract. As I said earlier, this can be worked around by generating the complete configuration externally and using an API request to push it into place. At least Kea offers you the possibility of controlling the entire configuration with the API, which the legacy dhcpd did not let you do.

Detailed examples of how to configure each service can be found on GitHub [5]. The KeaMA migration tool is a useful tool for migrating typical configurations to Kea, but use of the LDAP back end with dhcpd complicates the migration significantly. In this case, you cannot escape the task of exporting and converting the data stored in LDAP.

The Author

Konstantin Agouros works as Head of Engineering and Open Source Solutions at Matrix Technology GmbH, where he and his team advise customers on open source, security, and cloud issues. His book Software Defined Networking: Praxis mit Controllern und OpenFlow (Practical Applications with Controllers and OpenFlow) is published by De Gruyter.

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