Forensic main memory analysis with Volatility


Interpretation Needed

Analyzing the Bash history (Figure 3) is useful for detecting user misbehavior. Volatility also detects commands if the length of the history has been changed to zero and its location to /dev/null to hide the last entries.

Figure 3: Clearly visible: Here the forensic scientist created the memory dump with lime.

The real challenge in using Volatility, as with all analysis tools, is not so much using the correct parameters, but interpreting the program's output correctly. Only practice and a good knowledge of the system with all its data structures will be useful.


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  7. Inception:
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The Author

Dr. Tobias Eggendorfer is a professor of IT security and a freelance IT consultant ( When he teaches IT forensics, his students moan from time to time, because long-forgotten knowledge from basic lectures suddenly becomes important again, which is exactly what makes IT forensics and security so exciting.

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