End-to-end monitoring – Measuring what the user perceives

Test Robot


Alyvix lets you measure the availability and response time of all business-critical applications, whether they use an Internet connection or not and independently of whether they have APIs. Examples include desktop, web, emulated mobile, and office applications, and even systems applications.

Because it is possible to track, record, and compare application performance at all locations, applications can be tested for access by Citrix users or remote desktop web access. If you visualize the measurements on a timescale, downtimes and peak loads also become evident, which means that the subjective QoS as experienced by customers and employees can be evaluated objectively.

Finally, the engine has an alternative use case that was developed for monitoring: automating repetitive tasks. For example, say a company uses a kiosk system to display employee information across multiple monitors, distributed across the whole operation. However, the login data needs to be entered on these kiosk systems whenever the operating system reboots. Six of these kiosks boot every night, which means a staff member has to type the authentication data six times every morning. Although the individual input takes only a few minutes, the required time adds up to more than a week of work within a year. To avoid this waste, an Alyvix test case was set up to enter the necessary data automatically after every reboot – without an employee having to stir a finger. In these cases, why not simply dump such simple, boring, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks on Alyvix?

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