Collaborative online office solutions

Many Cooks


Onlyoffice also comes with a comment function. You can access this via the Add Comment option, which can be found both in the Collaboration menu and in the right-click context menu that appears at the current position in the document.

Onlyoffice then displays a window to the right of the document view. This is where you type your comments. The software positions the individual annotations, even in multiple-page documents, at the same height as the cursor position to which the annotation refers.

Users who are editing the document can respond directly to a comment without having to add a new comment window each time. To do this, simply click on the Add Response option and then type a text in the input box. A longer dialog prompts a chronological view so users can grasp the complete comment history at a glance.


Onlyoffice not only tracks modifications to documents but also presents them visually in different ways. In the Collaboration menu, you will find the Display Mode option. Markup mode shows all changes with different font attributes and in different colors. Markup mode is the default for collaborative editing of a document.

Final mode accepts all changes and displays the document without any previous editing status. Original mode lets a user restore the original state of a document. In this case, the software will not accept any changes.

For multiple-page documents, you can also use the two buttons Go to previous change and Go to next change in the document to jump backward or forward. Accept and Reject let the document owner confirm or reject any edits made, always referring to the current change.

Version History

Onlyoffice also offers a version history. The button for this is found in the Collaboration menu; pressing it opens a column on the left of the document view. Onlyoffice lists the individual versions of the document one below the other. The history arranges the versions chronologically top-down and also shows the editors.

Clicking on one of the version entries opens the corresponding version on the right side of the window. To switch back to edit mode, click on the Close History link at the top left in the version column.

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