Central logging for Kubernetes users

Shape Shifter

Monitoring Loki

The best solution for centralized logging is useless if it is not available in a crisis. The same applies if the admin has forgotten to integrate important logfiles into the Loki cycle. However, the Loki developers offer support for both scenarios. A small service named Loki Canary systematically searches systems for logfiles that Loki does not collect.

Both Loki and Promtail can even output metric data about themselves via their Prometheus interfaces, if so required; then, you can integrate it into Prometheus accordingly. The Loki Operations Manual lists appropriate metrics.

No Multitenancy

Finally, Loki also unfortunately inherited a "feature" from Prometheus. The program does not support user administration and therefore treats all users that access it equally. Loki is not usable for multitenancy. Instead, you need to run one Loki instance per tenant and secure it such that access by external intruders is not possible.

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