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Analysis tour with Binary Ninja

Martial Arts

Article from ADMIN 73/2023
Binary analysis is an advanced technique used to work through cyberattacks and malware infestations and is also known as reverse engineering. We show you how to statically analyze binary programs with Binary Ninja, an interactive binary analysis platform.

If you want to know exactly what operations a program on your computer performs, you have several ways to find out. One obviously simple method is to investigate the source code of the file, if available. You can do so easily with scripting languages like Python or open source software, but if programs are translated into bytecode before delivery, your job is a little more complicated.

Various tools are involved in converting code into an executable program: in most cases, at least a compiler and a linker. From the commands in a programming language, the compiler creates the machine language. In doing so, it optimizes the execution sequence or individual operations, depending on the configuration, to a greater or lesser extent, which can ultimately have a major effect on the resulting machine code. During linking, the libraries are statically or dynamically linked to the program. Static linking adds the code from the libraries to the resulting program. If libraries are linked dynamically, the code is located in external files and is only added to the process's working memory when the program is started.

Binary Ninja [1] is a tool for static program analysis. Originally designed for use in capture-the-flag competitions, Binary Ninja is now being developed commercially. For initial insights into the functionality, as covered by this article, it's fine to use the free trial version; download and install the version for your operating system to try it out.

Create a Test Program

To get started with a program that is as simple as possible for analysis, it's a good idea to write your own. Name the following code admin.c:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("Hello World!");
return 0;

You can compile the source code with:

gcc -O0
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