Secure remote connectivity with VS Code for the Web

Tunnel Tech

Clean Up VS Code Server

The tunnel provides command-line capabilities to uninstall and delete VS Code Server. From the command line, uninstall the service and remove the server-side bits:

code tunnel service uninstall
code tunnel unregister
code tunnel prune

The last two commands unregister the machine and environment (note that this requires a connection to the network and Internet) and remove the (local) VS Code Server instances. The hidden subdirectory will remain. Deleting the vscode-related hidden directories will purge the last remaining bits:

sudo rm -fr .vscode/
sudo rm -fr .vscode-server/

VS Code Server and its remote extensions provide significant advantages for remote development, but as the saying goes, with greater power comes greater responsibility. Integration with external cloud services are particularly beneficial for isolated, transient cloud server environments, making it ideal for individual developers or small teams in fast-paced development or testing settings. Such scenarios might be its most suitable application, keeping it distant from the critical systems of enterprise IT.


  1. VS Code Marketplace: Remote – Tunnels:
  2. Developing with Remote Tunnels:
  3. GitHub device login page:

The Author

Kevin Wittmer, a chief IT specialist at Bosch Group, has a strong affinity for all aspects of Visual Studio Code.

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