Analysis tour with Binary Ninja

Martial Arts


Binary Ninja is a neat tool for analyzing binary data and programs. With a little practice, you will easily find your way around, although analyzing third-party code can be a little tricky at times. If you just want to take a quick look at a binary, Binary Ninja is great choice with comprehensive display options.


  1. Binary Ninja:
  2. Ghidra:

The Author

Dr. Matthias Wübbeling is an IT security enthusiast, scientist, author, consultant, and speaker. As a Lecturer at the University of Bonn in Germany and Researcher at Fraunhofer FKIE, he works on projects in network security, IT security awareness, and protection against account takeover and identity theft. He is the CEO of the university spin-off Identeco, which keeps a leaked identity database to protect employee and customer accounts against identity fraud. As a practitioner, he supports the German Informatics Society (GI), administrating computer systems and service back ends. He has published more than 100 articles on IT security and administration.

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