Darshan I/O analysis for Deep Learning frameworks

Looking and Seeing


A small amount of work has taken place in the past characterizing or understanding the I/O patterns of DL frameworks. In this article, Darshan, a widely accepted I/O characterization tool rooted in the HPC and MPI world, was used to examine the I/O pattern of TensorFlow running a simple model on the CIFAR-10 dataset.

Deep Learning frameworks that use the Python language for training the model open a large number of files as part of the Python and TensorFlow startup. Currently, Darshan can only accommodate 1,024 files. As a result, the Python directory had to be excluded from the analysis, which could be a good thing, allowing Darshan to focus more on the training. However, it also means that Darshan can't capture all of the I/O used in running the training script.

With the simple CIFAR-10 training script, not much I/O took place overall. The dataset isn't large, so it can fit in GPU memory. The overall runtime was dominated by compute time. The small amount of I/O that was performed was almost all write operations, probably writing the checkpoints after every epoch.

I tried larger problems, but reading the data, even if it fit into GPU memory, led to exceeding the current 1,024-file limit. However, the current version of Darshan has shown that it can be used for I/O characterization of DL frameworks, albeit for small problems.

The developers of Darshan are working on updates to break the 1,024-file limit. Although Python postprocessing exists, the developers are rapidly updating that capability. Both developments will greatly help the DL community in using Darshan.

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