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Single sign-on with Keycloak

Master of the Keys

Article from ADMIN 61/2021
Google and Facebook are two of the biggest providers for single sign-on on the web, with OAuth2 and OpenID, but if you don't want to put your customers' or employees' data in their hands, Red Hat's Keycloak software lets you run your own operations with the option of integrating existing Kerberos or LDAP accounts.

Single sign-on (SSO) offers many advantages, and SSO providers can provide valuable services in terms of user account security. Although each user only needs to remember one password to access different services (which is not to be confused with a user simply using the same password for different services), the providers themselves do not have any knowledge of the password used. If a data leak occurs in one of the services, passwords will not fall easily into the hands of criminals. The service exclusively relies on the SSO provider to verify the user's identity securely. For some providers, the identity itself is not important, the only important thing is to identify the same person beyond any doubt.

To use SSO, you are not dependent on the three major players, Google, Facebook, or OpenID. Although you have a number of smaller and specialized providers from which to choose, you can also set up an SSO service yourself. Often the commercial "Atlassion Crowd" SSO server is used, which acts as the authentication center for Atlassian's own services (e.g., Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket). If you want to set up your own server, you can also start with the open source alternative Keycloak [1]. The software, developed by Red Hat, has been around since 2014 and is currently being developed under the umbrella of the JBoss application server.


The advantage of operating an SSO server like Keycloak yourself is that you can include virtually any existing directory service. Your users can then use the same credentials as on their domain machines or for accessing email. As the client protocol, Keycloak supports OpenID Connect or the somewhat older SAML (security assertion markup language). If you have the choice, the Keycloak developers recommend OpenID Connect, which is an extension of OAuth 2.0 and offers JSON web tokens, among other

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