Secure containers with a hypervisor DMZ

Buffer Zone

Hypervisor Buffer Disadvantages

Increased security with extensive compatibility also comes at a price. On the one hand is the heavier demand on hardware resources: A virtualization process has to run for each container instance. On the other hand, the underlying software requires maintenance and provides an additional attack vector, which is why Kata Containers prevents having a slimmed down version of Qemu. Speaking of maintenance, the guest operating system also has to be up to date. At the very least, critical bugs and vulnerabilities need to be addressed.

All in all, increased container security results in a larger attack surface on the host side and a significant increase in administrative overhead. To alleviate this problem, you could switch to microhypervisors, but again the question of compatibility arises. Ultimately, your decision should depend on the implementation of the microhypervisor. To gain practical experience, you can run Kata Containers with the Firecracker virtual machine manager (Listing 1) [11].

Listing 1

Kata and Firecracker

$ docker run --runtime=kata-fc -itd --name=kata-fc busybox sh
$ pstree|grep -e container -e kata
        | |-kata-shim---7*[{kata-shim}]
        | | `-10*[{containerd-shim}]
        | `-14*[{containerd}]
$ docker exec -it kata-fc sh
/ #
/ # uname -r

Behind the Scenes

An installation of Kata Containers comprises a number of components that can be roughly divided into two classes. First are the processes that run on the host system, such as Kata Shim and the Kata hypervisor. In older versions, a proxy was added. Second are processes that run inside Kata Containers, starting with the operating system within the hypervisor and extending to the Kata agent and the application. In extreme cases, the user is thus confronted with more than a handful of components that need to be kept up to date and secure. However, the typical application does not provide for more than three parts.

The processes and development cycles for the host operating system and the application are independent of Kata Containers. The remaining components can be managed as a complete construct. In other words, popular Linux distributions come with software directories that support easy installation, updating, and removal of components, including the hypervisor, the guest core, the entire guest operating system, Kata Shim, and the Kata agent. By the way, containers can easily be operated Kata-style parallel to conventional containers.

Double Kernel Without Virtualization

As already mentioned, the hypervisor approach just described has two isolation layers – the guest operating system or its kernel and the virtualization itself. The question arises as to whether this could be simplified. How about using only one additional kernel as a buffer zone? Good idea, but how do you start a Linux kernel on one that is already running?

If you've been around in the IT world for a few years, you're probably familiar with user-mode Linux (UML) [12]. The necessary adjustments have been part of the kernel for years, but initial research shows that this project is pretty much in a niche of its own – not a good starting position to enrich the container world.

A second consideration might take you to the kexec() system call. Its typical field of application is collecting data that has led to a failure of the primary Linux kernel and has very little to do with executing containers, which run several times, at the same time, and for far longer.

Whether UML or kexec() – without extensive additional work – these projects cannot be used for increased container security.

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