Managing access credentials

Key Moments

Password Safe in the Browser

Password Safe does not have add-ons a for the popular web browsers. Nevertheless, you do not have to laboriously query the data in the application and then transfer it to the web browser. Instead, you can save the usernames and passwords for the individual entries in Password Safe by clicking on the Copy to Clipboard button. The access data can then be called up from the clipboard in the browser whenever you need to fill out the fields on the website.


Local password managers make working with large volumes of access credentials far easier. The four test candidates all cover the basic range of functions for password management, but they focus on different target groups in terms of features (Table 1).

Table 1

Graphical Password Managers

  Buttercup KeePassXC Pasaffe Password Safe
License GPLv3 GPLv2 GPLv3 GPLv3
Available across platforms Yes Yes No No
Desktop application Yes Yes Yes Yes
Browser extension Yes Yes No No
User guidance
Multiple archives Yes Yes No No
Multiple groups Yes Yes Yes Yes
Free text input Yes Yes Yes Yes
Data import Yes Yes Restricted Restricted
Data export Yes Yes Restricted Restricted
Password generator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Auto-Type Yes Yes Restricted Restricted
Cloud backup Configurable Yes No No
Encryption Yes Yes Yes Yes
Adjustable encryption algorithm No Yes No No

Password Safe and Pasaffe are more suitable for home use, as they do not offer add-ons for common web browsers. Access data must be entered here specifically via the clipboard on websites. Buttercup and KeePassXC are aimed at professional users who want to save themselves typing in their web browsers. Buttercup additionally impresses with a modern, visually appealing interface. KeePassXC converts data to and from other formats thanks to numerous filters.

Despite all the simplifications made by these password managers, cautious users are still advised to keep records and backups of their access credentials to ensure continued access to protected data in the event of an accident.

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