Building sustainably safe containers

Build by Number


The approach presented here does involve greater initial effort to keep the containers up to date in a fully automated way. In the sense of a continuous integration/continuous deployment pipeline, the applications also need to be tested with every new build to rule out incompatibilities from changes in the libraries.

For Spring Boot applications, the number of dependencies in the Java container is manageable. I have also containerized infrastructure services such as DNS in this way, although the number of containers required is greater. Nevertheless, automatic updating of the containers with this method has proven very useful in production operations.

The Author

Konstantin Agouros works as Head of Open Source and AWS Projects at Matrix Technology AG (Munich, Germany), where he and his team advise customers on open source, security, and cloud issues. His book Software Defined Networking: SDN-Praxis mit Controllern und OpenFlow [Software Defined Networking: Practice with Controllers and OpenFlow ] (in German) is published by de Gruyter.

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