Focus in a Time of Isolation


Article from ADMIN 58/2020
Keeping your focus during the pandemic.

I've found that trying to maintain my focus on work, home, and self is very difficult in this time of isolation and quarantine. My guess is that you've struggled with the same issue. If you haven't, good for you – I'd love to know your secret. It's hard not to get caught up in all of the political and social issues and allow myself to drift into anger and madness about it all. I find it hardest when I've been stuck inside all day without a breath of fresh air. Paranoia, anxiety, and panic set in and there's nowhere to turn to. I realized early on, around day 60, that this was going to be a problem, and I've searched for solutions, only to find that a lot of folks are experiencing the same thing. I might be able to offer a bit of advice that I've gleaned from others who've experienced extreme isolation that could help us all.

First, get up and walk around. Even if you can't leave your apartment or house, get out of your chair or off of your couch and just stroll around as far as you can. Movement helps.

Second, take a bit of time every day to meditate, pray, or sit silently without social media, television, YouTube, or other distractions. I discovered early on that people who are isolated will tend to drift toward the eccentric and the extreme. We watch what's going on with COVID-19 and other issues, and we begin to become more sensitive to everything we hear and see. Remove yourself for a bit, get some fresh perspective, and come back a little saner and calmer.

Third, reward yourself. When you spend 30 minutes focused on a task, reward yourself with something small, such as a small snack, a walk around the block, or a funny video on YouTube. You might think 30 minutes is too small of an increment for such a reward, but after 90 days of isolation and social distancing, 30 minutes can be an eternity.

Fourth, don't fall into a downward spiral. Keep yourself from sinking into an emotional abyss by encouraging yourself. Recognize that this

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