Call web pages in the terminal with Browsh

Block Graphics


Firefox does the bulk of its work in the background, so Browsh can support its extensions, as well, especially the ad blockers. Just start Browsh with

browsh --firefox.with-gui

to open Firefox. Clicking the hamburger menu on the right and switching to Add-ons allows you to install suitable addons in the usual way. Browsh then automatically uses the enabled extensions. Always use the command-line parameter to do this. Browsh uses its own Firefox profile; other previously installed addons from other profiles are ignored by the command-line browser.


Browsh is always there to help if no graphical user interface is available. Simply reducing the volume of data transferred, however, only works if you run your own server. Moreover, the websites displayed by Browsh are not always easy to read. Compared with the classic competitor Lynx, Browsh maintains the layout in a much more natural format.

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