Articles from ADMIN Issue 49
I still remember the day in the not too distant past when someone told me that Linux wasn't allowed on the network.
OpenSUSE is a community Linux system, sponsored by SUSE. Leap represents the current stable release and is touted as being "for beginners, experienced users, and ultra geeks alike."
New Zero-day Vulnerability in Windows Systems, New Systemd Vulnerability Affects Most Mainstream Linux Distributions, SQLite Database Vulnerable, Microsoft Can't Catch a Break from Vulnerabilities, Hacks Abound
Industry opinions are divided on the IBM purchase of Red Hat.
Open source pen testing tools help you view an attack from the perspective of both the attacker and the defender.
Cryptographic keys, usually available locally but not on remote computers, can be accessed for use in cloud environments.
Pitting the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy against an insecure web app in a Docker container illustrates how you can tick a lot of security checkboxes.
OpenACC is a great tool for parallelizing applications for a variety of processors. In this article, I look at one of the most powerful directives, parallel loop.
Kata Containers adds an additional layer of isolation, and Docker users don't even need to learn new commands.
Move a workload to the cloud without trouble, and leverage cloud benefits for a conventional setup.