OpenStack installation with the Packstack installer

Living in the Clouds

The Keystone Credentials File

During deployment, Packstack created the file /root/keystonerc_admin with admin credentials that let you manage your OpenStack environment from the command line, which, in most cases, is faster than working in the web GUI dashboard. To source the file and import admin credentials to your session variables, enter:

[root@controller ~]# source /root/keystonerc_admin
[root@controller ~(keystone_admin)]#

In this way, you avoid being prompted for authentication each time you want to execute the command as the OpenStack admin. Now you can obtain some information about your OpenStack installation from the command line, such as verifying the Compute nodes (Listing 5), displaying a brief host-service summary (Listing 6), and displaying installed services (Listing 7).

Listing 5

Verifying the Compute Nodes

root@controller ~(keystone_admin)]# openstack hypervisor list
| ID | Hypervisor Hostname | Hypervisor Type | Host IP      | State |
|  1 | compute2            | QEMU            | | up    |
|  2 | compute1            | QEMU            | | up    |

Listing 6

Host-Service Summary

[root@controller ~(keystone_admin)]# openstack host list
| Host Name  | Service     | Zone     |
| controller | conductor   | internal |
| controller | scheduler   | internal |
| controller | consoleauth | internal |
| compute2   | compute     | nova     |
| compute1   | compute     | nova     |

Listing 7

Installed Services

[root@controller ~(keystone_admin)]# openstack service list
| ID                               | Name       | Type           |
| 185c2397ccfd4b1ab2472eee8fac1104 | gnocchi    | metric         |
| 218326bd1249444da11afb93c89761ce | nova       | compute        |
| 266b6275884945d39dbc08cb3297eaa2 | ceilometer | metering       |
| 4f0ebe86b6284fb689387bbc3212f9f5 | cinder     | volume         |
| 59392edd44984143bc47a89e111beb0a | heat       | orchestration  |
| 6e2c0431b52c417f939dc71fd606d847 | cinderv3   | volumev3       |
| 76f57a7d34d649d7a9652e0a2475d96a | cinderv2   | volumev2       |
| 7702f8e926cf4227857ddca46b3b328f | swift      | object-store   |
| aef9ec430ac2403f88477afed1880697 | aodh       | alarming       |
| b0d402a9ed0c4c54ae9d949e32e8527f | neutron    | network        |
| b3d1ed21ca384878b5821074c4e0fafe | heat-cfn   | cloudformation |
| bee473062bc448118d8975e46af155df | glance     | image          |
| cf33ec475eaf43bfa7a4f7e3a80615aa | keystone   | identity       |
| fe332b47264f45d5af015f40b582ffec | placement  | placement      |

That's it! Your OpenStack cloud of three nodes is ready to go to work. Now you can create project tenants, create virtual network infrastructure inside tenants, launch instances, and so on.


Although OpenStack comprises mostly well-known and proven technologies, such as KVM and MariaDB, as a whole, it's still a new, promising, and dynamically developing technology. It has become a serious player on the global IT market, making it attractive and competitive against other cloud technologies and commercial virtualization solutions. Each version of OpenStack gains more features and functions, and thus more users.

In this article, I presented how to install a sample, proof-of-concept RDO OpenStack Pike environment for demonstration purposes. Although I did not address OpenStack scalability here, the deployment could easily be extended with Packstack's modified answer.txt file, without any outage or maintenance window, proving the beauty and power of the cloud software.

The Author

Grzegorz Juszczak is a system engineer at the Nokia 5G Infrastructure Laboratory in Warsaw, Poland, a Linux and OpenStack enthusiast, and founder of the technical blog about Linux, virtualization, and cloud computing.

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