System logging for data-based answers

Log Everything


Recording storage logs is very similar to recording network logs. Grabbing each data packet going to and from the storage system and the drives results in a large amount of information, most of which is useless to you. Instead, think about running simple I/O tests in a job's prologue and epilogue scripts and recording that data. Of course, the results will vary depending on the I/O load, but it's worth understanding I/O performance when the job is getting ready to run.

In addition to capturing performance information, you can grab I/O performance statistics from the servers and clients. A simple example is NFS. A great tool, nfsiostat, allows you to capture statistics about NFS client and server activity. With respect to clients, you can grab information such as:

  • Number of blocks read or written
  • Number of reads and writes (ops/sec)

With this information, you can get a histogram of the NFS performance of both clients and servers.

In addition to nfsiostat [8], you can use iostat, which collects lots of metrics on the storage server, such as CPU time, throughput, and I/O request times. You can also use iostat [9] to monitor I/O on client nodes.

Likely, you are already using filesystem tools, so you can easily look for errors in the filesystem logs and collect them (script this). These logs are specific to a filesystem, so be sure to read the manuals on what is being recorded.


A number of system administrators are reluctant to log much more than the minimum necessary, primarily for compliance. However, I'm a big believer that having too much information is better than not having enough. More logs means more space used and probably more network traffic, but in the end, you have a set of system logs that you can use to your advantage.

To review, here are four highlights:

  • Log everything (within reason).
  • Put a time stamp on it.
  • Put a node name on every entry.
  • Be a lumberjack, and you'll be OK.

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