Correctly integrating containers

Let's Talk

BGP, Routing, and iptables Rules

When creating, Felix assigns an IP address to each pod; iptables rules configure all allowed and prohibited connections. If the cluster is to adapt the routing, Felix also generates the necessary routes and adapts them to the kernel. However, unlike the iptables rules, routing is a concept that goes beyond a single node.

BGP now comes into play. A protocol that configures Internet-wide routes also helps connect containers on different nodes. You need to limit the scope of Calico BGP to the Kubernetes cluster. Most administrators are a little in awe of BGP as an almost all-powerful routing protocol that can redirect the traffic of entire countries.

At first glance, the options are rather frightening, especially in terms of their effect and security. A connection to the carrier back end is not necessary. Calico does not need access to this very heavily protected part of the Internet routing infrastructure, so it is only an apparent security risk.

Rules for the Network

One important aspect of Kubernetes is the ability to share clusters – that is, to set up a common cluster for several teams and possibly even for several stages of development, testing, and production. Listings 3 and 4 show typical configurations. Listing 3 adds an annotation to a namespace. In specific cases, you need to extend by including a JSON object that sets ingress isolation to the DefaultDeny value. This means that other namespaces will fail to reach any of the pods in this namespace. If you want to restrict access further, isolate not only the namespaces, but the pods within the namespace, as well.

Listing 3

Annotation of a Namespace

01 [...]
02 kind: Namespace
03 apiVersion: v1
04 metadata:
05   annotations:
06 |
07       {
08         "ingress": {
09           "isolation": "DefaultDeny"
10         }
11       }
12 [...]

Listing 4 describes the policy for a pod with the db role in which a Redis database is running. It only allows incoming TCP traffic on port 6379 (also named ingress) of pods from the myproject namespace with the frontend role. All the other pods do not gain access. If you take a closer look at the definition, you will see significant similarities with known packet filters, such as iptables. However, the Kubernetes user has to adjust these rules very quickly at the level of pods and containers.

Listing 4

Network Policy

01 [...]
02 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
03 kind: NetworkPolicy
04 metadata:
05   name: test-network-policy
06   namespace: default
07 spec:
08   podSelector:
09     matchLabels:
10       role: db
11   ingress:
12   - from:
13     - namespaceSelector:
14         matchLabels:
15           project: myproject
16     - podSelector:
17         matchLabels:
18           role: frontend
19     ports:
20     - protocol: tcp
21       port: 6379
22 [...]

If the network layer receives a change in the container life cycle from a container network interface, such as the previously mentioned Calico, it generates and implements the rules in iptables and at the routing level. It is important here to separate the responsibilities (separation of concerns). Kubernetes merely provides the controller; the implementation is handled by the network layer.


Kubernetes offers the framework, whereas a controller takes care of availability. Services based on HAProxy [16], Nginx reverse proxy [17], and F5 hardware [18] are available. In an earlier article [19], I describe the general concepts for these services.

Ingress extends these concepts significantly. Whereas the built-in service only allows simple round-robin load balancing, an external controller pulls out all the stops and can conjure up external public hosts with arbitrary reachable URLs, arbitrary load balancer algorithms, SSL termination, or virtual hosting out of thin air.

Listing 5 shows a simple example of a path-based rule. It redirects everything under /foo to the service s1 and everything under /bar to the service s2. Listing 6 shows a host-based rule that is used to evaluate the host headers to identify the hostnames.

Listing 5

A Path-Based Rule

01 [...]
02 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
03 kind: Ingress
04 metadata:
05   name: test
06 spec:
07   rules:
08   - host:
09     http:
10       paths:
11       - path: /foo
12         backend:
13           serviceName: s1
14           servicePort: 80
15       - path: /bar
16         backend:
17           serviceName: s2
18           servicePort: 80
19 [...]

Listing 6

A Host-Based Rule

01 [...]
02 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
03 kind: Ingress
04 metadata:
05   name: test
06 spec:
07   rules:
08   - host:
09     http:
10       paths:
11       - backend:
12           serviceName: s1
13           servicePort: 80
14   - host:
15     http:
16       paths:
17       - backend:
18           serviceName: s2
19           servicePort: 80
20 [...]

If you want to provide a service with SSL support, you can only do so on port 443. Listing 7 shows how to provide an SSL certificate, which ends up in a Kubernetes secret. To use the certificate, you need to reference it in an ingress rule and simply state the name in the .spec.tls.secretName[0] field (Listing 8).

Listing 7

Setting up an SSL Certificate for a Service

01 [...]
02 apiVersion: v1
03 data:
04   tls.crt: <base64 encoded cert>
05   tls.key: <base64 encoded key>
06 kind: Secret
07 metadata:
08   name: mysecret
09   namespace: default
10 type: Opaque
11 [...]

Listing 8

Using Certificate Services

01 [...]
02 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
03 kind: Ingress
04 metadata:
05   name: no-rules-map
06 spec:
07   tls:
08     - secretName: mysecret
09   backend:
10     serviceName: s1
11     servicePort: 80
12 [...]

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