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Configuration management and automation


Article from ADMIN 39/2017
As automation of IT landscapes continues, a plethora of new tools reach the market to help admins with this task. Rundeck offers a web-based GUI and job delegation.

Automation software such as Ansible is popular with admins, but occasionally other colleagues need to step in to perform jobs on servers, and not everyone is a big fan of the command line. Rundeck [1] is the perfect software tool for these tasks because it lets admins configure tasks that others can then perform, such as build processes or even simple things like rebooting a server. Rundeck's highly granular access controls let you configure the appropriate rights for users and groups, as well as configure and map complex workflows with dependencies (Figure 1).

Figure 1: A Rundeck server can be controlled using the web GUI or the API. In addition to local resources, external resources can be integrated.

Thanks to a series of plugins, Rundeck can also be used in conjunction with popular tools like Puppet, SaltStack, and Ansible. Rundeck integration for Foreman lets you export managed hosts from Foreman for Rundeck. Even cloud environments are not unknown territory, because Rundeck has plugins for Amazon Web Services (AWS). If you need high availability, multinode clusters, or centralized logging, you can also take a look at Rundeck Pro. Additionally, the Rundeck developers at SimplifyOps also

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