Password management with FreeIPA

Safely Stored

Shared Safes

Administrators can create safes and share them with different users (Listing 1). Then, the desired data can be stored in the Team Safe:

# ipa vault-archive team-keys --shared --in ~/team-keys.txt --password-file passwd.txt
Archived data into vault "team-keys"

Listing 1

Shared Safe

# kinit admin
Password for admin@EXAMPLE.COM:
# ipa vault-add team-keys --desc "Team keys" --type symmetric --shared --password-file passwd.txt
Added vault "team-keys"
  Vault name: team-keys
  Description: Team keys
  Type: symmetric
  Salt: J0aMaMWKgxf+0I59b2DKkA==
  Owner users: admin
  Shared vault: True
# ipa vault-add-member team-keys --shared --groups schalke --users tscherf
  Vault name: team-keys
  Description: Team keys
  Type: symmetric
  Salt: J0aMaMWKgxf+0I59b2DKkA==
  Owner users: admin
  Shared vault: True
  Member users: tscherf
  Member groups: schalke
Number of members added 2

When a user who is a member of the safe logs on, they can query the data, as long they remember the password:

# kinit tscherf
Password for tscherf@EXAMPLE.COM:
[root@ipa01 ~]# ipa vault-retrieve team-keys --shared --out my-team-keys.txt --password-file passwd.txt

Asymmetric keys can be used instead of simple passwords; this is not only more secure, but also simplifies the handling of the safes (Listing 2).

Listing 2

Asymmetric Keys

# openssl genrsa -out mykey.pem 2048
# openssl rsa -in mykey.pem -pubout >
# ipa vault-add private --type asymmetric --public-key-file
Added vault "private"
  Vault name: private
  Type: asymmetric
  Public key:
  Owner users: tscherf
  Vault user: tscherf
# ipa vault-archive private --in ~/data.txt
Archived data into vault "private"
# ipa vault-retrieve private --private-key-file=mykey.pem --out data.txt
Retrieved data from vault "private"


With KRA, FreeIPA introduces an extremely useful function that lets users set up safes, in which users and services can store data that is then passed securely to the FreeIPA back end.

The Author

Thorsten Scherf is a Principal Consultant for Red Hat EMEA. You can meet him as a speaker at conferences. He is also a keen marathon runner whenever time and his family permit.

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