The practical benefits of network namespaces

Lightweight Nets

Light Work

Container technologies like Docker and LXC make extensive use of namespaces. Few people, however, know that the lightweight isolation technology provided for some time by the Linux kernel enables interesting setups for admins without sky-high cloud stacks. As we hope we have demonstrated in this article, you can familiarize yourself with the necessary tools quite quickly.


  1. LXC:
  2. Docker:
  3. "SDN Up Close" by Udo Seidel and Joe Casad, Linux Pro Magazine , issue 162, May 2014, pg. 14,

The Author

Markus Feilner is a Linux specialist from Regensburg, Germany, who has been working with the operating system since 1994 as an author, trainer, consultant, and journalist. Today, the Conch diplomat, Minister of the Universal Life Church, and Jedi Knight leads the documentation team at SUSE in Nuremberg.

Paul Thompson (@raganello ) is a technical consultant with SUSE in London and implements open source solutions for clients in the European and Asian finance sector. He is very interested in OpenStack clouds, software-defined storage, and software hardening on the security side.

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