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Russian FindFace App is a Privacy Nightmare
The machine-learning capability that social networks are gaining is becoming a privacy nightmare. Anyone can take your photo then find everything about you via social networks. That's exactly what the Russian site FindFace is doing.
FindFace is bringing a very powerful facial recognition technology to VK, formerly known as VKontakte, the "Facebook of Russia."
What worries privacy advocates is that the site has a high accuracy rate when it comes to identifying a total stranger simply by snapping their picture and uploading to the FindFace site.
Antivirus firm Kaspersky wrote in a blog post, "If you upload ideal photos, that were taken when your target was posing, everything works just great. The program has successfully found 9 of 10 test 'victims' in the office."
The algorithm powering the facial recognition is developed by Russia-based N-Tech.Lab, which beat Google's face recognition software at the MegaFace challenge.
Google Wants to Kill Passwords for Android
Google is working on an authentication system called Project Abacus that will eliminate the need for passwords with Android devices.
Project Abacus