Magnum: Exploring OpenStack's Container API

Magnum Container API

Where to Next?

Separating containers from the hypervisor is a step in the right direction. OpenStack administrators now have all the options they could hope for. If the use case calls for containers in more of a hypervisor context, the Nova interface is a good choice, but if Docker and containers are the focus, Magnum is definitely the best option.

The Magnum project is still quite young and major changes are frequent. The rapid evolution of Linux containers is partly to blame for the frequent changes in Magnum. According to Adrian Otto, the Magnum project has some important backers in the OpenStack community. Clear signs of integration with the Rocket [14] and LXC [15] container tools would help encourage adoption.

The Author

Dr. Udo Seidel is a teacher of math and physics. After completing his Ph.D., he worked as a Linux/Unix trainer, system administrator, and senior solution engineer. He is now digital evangelist and chief architect at the Amadeus Data Processing GmbH near Munich.

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