Issue 27: Fault Tolerant Router

In this issue, we look at useful tools that make your systems safer and more robust.
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100 pages

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Issue #27 will be shipped to subscribers and available on newsstands starting approximately:

UK/Europe: June 20
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Australia: August 17

Articles from ADMIN Issue 27

Ticket Management with osTicket

Assistance free

Moving Data Between Virtual Machines

Hidden Information free

Container orchestration with Kubernetes from Google

Administrative Assistant free

Mesos compute cluster for data centers

Distributed! free

Nothing works without a profile

Profiling free

NetFlow reporting with Google Analytics

Traffic Analysis free

Setting up and using Azure Active Directory

Twin Service free

Detecting intruders with Suricata

Finder free

IPv6 security on IPv4-only networks

Slippery Floor free

Encrypting files

Safe Files free

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