Issue 26: OpenShift

This month, we look at a Linux distro tailored to run on network switches and a PaaS for web devs to integrate the cloud.
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Articles from ADMIN Issue 26


Windows Roulette free

Oracle Linux 7.1/pfSense

On the DVD free

ONIE and Cumulus Linux on a switch

Going Cumulus free

Exploring OpenShift – Red Hat's next-generation PaaS tool

Gearbox free

Posteo,, Tutanota, and ProtonMail compared

More Secure Email free

Scalable mail storage with Dovecot and Amazon S3

Storage Space free

Security in the network with Kali Linux

Watchful Dragon free

Look for file changes and kick off actions with Watchman

On Guard free

A TurnKey Linux software evaluation platform

One Good Turn free

Data virtualization using JBoss and Teiid

Uniformity Drive free

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