Nine home clouds compared

Cloud It Yourself

Syncthing (Pulse)

Syncthing [16] seeks to be an open and secure alternative to BTSync. The current version is 0.10.1; in other words, the software is still in its infancy. It synchronizes files on the LAN and over the Internet and comes with web-based clients for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.

Syncthing is the open source version of BitTorrent Sync in terms of functionality. The project, which was initiated by Swedish developer Jakob Borg last year, has found quite a few supporters on GitHub already. Ports of the Syncthing desktop client include Linux (including ARM 5 and ARM 6 architecture), Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and Solaris.

In terms of mobile devices, Android is currently the only supported OS – via the source code, which is available on GitHub. Syncthing is currently mainly of interest to technically savvy users as an alternative to BitTorrent Sync because of its relatively early stage of development.

Syncthing was renamed in October 2014 to Pulse and became part of the project [17]. Aral Balkan, the founder and lead developer of, seeks to gain more independence from Google, Apple, and others. This drive, financed by a Kickstarter campaign that was still in progress in November 2014, includes the operating system, the Heartbeat social network client Pulse, and the phone, which is just one more reason to keep an eye on the project.

Conclusions: Noteworthy open source alternative to BitTorrent Sync.

The Author

Dirk Ahrnke has focused for more than 15 years on the use of groupware products and infrastructure solutions in the commercial and open source sectors. He is the founder and CEO of Leipziger IT25 GmbH.

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