Issue 21: Managing Memory
In this issue, we look at tools that help you manage memory, processes, security, and virtual machines.

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Articles from ADMIN Issue 21
A common misconception posits that software cannot cause mischief if you lock the system away in a virtual machine, because even if an intruder compromises the web server on the virtual machine, it will only damage the guest. If you believe this, you are in for a heap of hurt.
Microsoft has introduced several improvements to Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 with its Server Message Block 3. Hyper-V mainly benefits from faster and more stable access to network storage. In this article, we look at the innovations.
Collectd 4.3 is a comprehensive monitoring tool with a removable plugin architecture.
Rex doesn't need agents or a special language to describe the tasks it performs on remote computers.
Managing your cluster could be so simple if it weren't so complicated. The object of many an admin's wrath in such cases is often a single component: Pacemaker. Luckily, other open source tools offer alternative options for high availability.
Ganglia is probably the most popular monitoring framework and tool, in that HPC, Big Data, and even cloud systems are using it. In this article, we show you how to install and configure Ganglia and get it up and running on a simple two-node system.