New Products

Article from ADMIN 15/2013

AlienVault Virtual Appliance

AlienVault released the first AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM) virtual appliance. AlienVault USM is a collection of open source tools for asset discovery, vulnerability assessment, threat detection, behavioral monitoring, and built-in security intelligence. These integrated tools are optimized to provide complete security visibility and threat management through a management console. According to the announcement, this consolidation of security features into a single management platform lets AlienVault USM deliver rapid security intelligence. The product, which is compatible with VMware ESXi and Proxmox virtual environments, also offers simpler host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) deployment for distributed environments and continuous vulnerability monitoring to increase detection accuracy and avoid network disruption. Each alarm from AlienVault USM includes detailed and customized instructions on how to investigate and respond to the detected threat.

A free trial of the AlienVault USM virtual appliance is available now for download from the company's website. Pricing for the AlienVault USM All-in-One appliance, which is aimed at smaller, single-tier deployments, starts at US$ 3,600 and includes free customer support and maintenance for the first year. Visit AlienVault for more details and additional pricing information:

Monkey Web Server Version 1.2

Monkey is a fast web server with minimal memory requirements that is particularly designed for embedded devices. To serve many requests with few resources, Monkey uses an event-based processing model. The recent Version 1.2 release of the Monkey web server includes the MatrixSSL library used by PolarSSL.

The new release also includes support for optimizing TCP Fast Open. In the core, the system uses the Red Black Tree self-balancing binary search tree for better performance.

Previous problems discovered in the Coverity code analysis have also been solved with the new release. Monkey is licensed under the GPLv2.

Please visit for additional details.

CloudEthernet Forum Launched

A group of nine networking vendors have joined forces to form the CloudEthernet Forum, an organization tasked with adapting the Ethernet protocol for the cloud age. Founding members include Alcatel-Lucent, Avaya, Equinix, HP, Juniper Networks, PCCW, Sprirent Communications, Tata Communications, and Verizon. According to a statement by the CloudEthernet forum, the group is intended to address "…  the specific issues of scaling and applying suitable Ethernet services to meet the stringent demands of delivering cloud services."

The forum will work on technical solutions for "VLAN scaling, Layer 2 performance, and resilience across very large domains and consolidating storage network technologies onto Ethernet."

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