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Managing cluster software packages

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Article from ADMIN 14/2013
Adding and subtracting software from a running cluster can be tricky; however, many application packages can be added or removed easily with a few tools and some simple tricks.

Setting up and configuring an HPC cluster is not as difficult as it used to be; some nice provision tools allow almost anyone to get a cluster working in short order. An issue worth considering, however, is how easily you can change things once the cluster is working. For example, if you get a cluster set up and then a user comes to you and says, "I need package XYZ built with library EFG version 1.23," do you re-provision things to meet your user's needs, or is there an easy way to add and subtract software from a running cluster that is minimally intrusive?

The short answer is "yes." Before I describe how you can organize a cluster to be more malleable, some mention of provisioning packages will be helpful. Three basic methods are offered by various toolsets:

Regardless of the provisioning system, the goal is to make changes without having to reboot nodes. Not all changes can be made without rebooting nodes (i.e., changing the underlying

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