Fedora 18 as a server distribution

Test Lab


From an administrative perspective, Fedora 18, as always, includes a cornucopia of new open source technology and new features. The oVirt framework definitely has much potential. Fedora now supports two private cloud architectures with Eucalyptus and OpenStack, revealing that planners either intend to afford admins and users maximum freedom or are not sure where the journey is headed. In the open source community, OpenStack currently has more adherents than Eucalyptus and OpenNebula.

I also particularly enjoyed the new System Storage Manager tool, which will make work a lot easier for many admins. The teething problems of Fedora 18, particularly on the user side, will hardly be of concern for system administrators. As usual, the remaining bugs will be fixed because Fedora 18 is the basis for the upcoming version 7 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux [13].

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