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Apache CloudStack Now Top-Level Project

The Apache Software Foundation promoted Apache CloudStack to Top-Level Project (TLP) status. "Becoming a TLP is an important step in the project's evolution and growth," said Chip Childers, Vice President of Apache CloudStack. "CloudStack had the advantage of having many long-term, large deployments which had proven the stability and scalability of the technology."

According to the website, Apache CloudStack is a complete open source software suite designed "to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform." CloudStack includes: compute orchestration, Network-as-a-Service, user and account management, a full and open native API, resource accounting, and a user interface. It currently supports VMware, KVM, XenServer, and Xen Cloud Platform.

"We believe that Infrastructure-as-a-Service is the next generation of IT infrastructure, and that people will demand open standards and open governance for such an important layer in their IT stack," added Childers. Apache CloudStack software is released under the Apache License v2.0; the source code, documentation, mailing lists, and related resources are available at http://cloudstack.apache.org/.

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