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How to configure and use jailed processes in FreeBSD
Safely Behind Bars
When managing access privileges on Unix, and thus on FreeBSD, you have basically two types of users: those with and those without administrative privileges. This model clearly reaches its limits, however, if you need to create a web administrator, for example. The web admin needs permissions to be able to change certain configuration files or start the HTTP daemon but should not be permitted to change the system configuration.
A solution to this problem would be adding more granularity to access privileges. In FreeBSD, you have the option of working with File Access Control Lists (FACLs) or deploying the Capsicum capability and sandboxing framework. Unfortunately, these approaches substantially increase the administrative overhead, which in turn could have a negative effect on security.
The chroot environment was invented as a way out of this dilemma, but it has some deficiencies from a security standpoint. For example, it is known that an FTP server that allows anonymous access can let users break out of the chroot environment. In the course of time, some improvements were added to chroot, but problems such as the influence of processes outside of chroot were ultimately not resolved.
The Idea Behind Jails
This is where is the concept of the jail comes in: Jails use the positive properties of chroot and at the same time provide absolute protection against manipulation of processes outside the jail. Because a jail relies on a subdirectory tree, a process within the jail cannot access directories and files on the outside. Furthermore, a process inside a jail cannot manipulate the host processes [1]-[5]. Jails thus offer a useful option for providing network services.
However, a jail will not increase the security of a daemon itself. If an FTP daemon has a vulnerability,