Issue 1: System Management

This issue includes a Rescue CD Toolbox with four fabulous Live Linux Systems: SystemRescueCD, Parted Magic, Clonezilla and Redo Backup!
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Table of Contents:

Spacewalk - Walk on air with this free version of Red Hat's enterprise-ready Satellite management server.
Icinga - This is not your father's Nagios fork
MySQL Forks - We investigate some invaluable variations on the MySQL theme
Exchange 2010 - What's new in Microsoft's email and messaging system?
Backup Tools - We round up some of the best open source backup utilities
BlackHat USA 2010 - Learn the latest tricks of network intruders at the BlackHat conference

OCFS2 - Build a database cluster with Oracle's Cluster Filesystem
Synergy - Too many monitors on your desk? This handy tool lets you control your servers from a single desktop
SystemTap - Optimize and troubleshoot your homegrown apps with this powerful profiling tool.

Package Your Scripts - We show you how to use Debian's packaging tools to deploy and manage scripts in the cloud.
OpenVZ - Container-based virtualization tools like OpenVZ are sometimes more efficient that hypervisor systems.
SCVMM 2008 - Exploring Microsoft's Service Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008

Teamviewer - This popular remote control tool isn't just for Mac and Windows anymore.
Chef - This snappy configuration manager lets you roll out Linux systems with a couple of mouse clicks.
Sysinternals - Get the pulse of your Windows network with this convenient collection of management tools.

Nuts and Bolts
PAM - The powerful Pluggable Authentication System offers centralized authentication for Unix and Linux systems.
ModSecurity - How safe is your web server? This powerful Apache extension will help keep intruders from getting control.
Monitoring Daemons - Why write a custom script? A few simple shell commands might be all you need to monitor system daemons.
VPNs with SSTP - Build a Windows virtual private network with the Secure Sockets Tunneling Protocol (SSTP).

Articles from ADMIN Issue 01

Monitoring network computers with the Icinga Nagios fork

Server Observer free

All for Admins

All for Admins free

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